Bitcoin and Ethereum exchange for Bits of Gold


  • Blockchain
  • Money exchange
  • Identity verification


  • Web
  • Blockchain


  • Ruby on Rails
  • AngularJS


3 people
20 weeks


June 2017

Bits of Gold is Israel’s largest Bitcoin and Ethereum exchange.

We’ve built Bits of Gold’s first website, management console, and blockchain integration to allow a rapid launch during Bitcoin’s rapid growth in 2013. Over the next year we helped transition the code to an internal team and provided continuous support and feature additions.

Our people behind the project:
Eyal Levin
Adam Klein
Boris Dinkevich
The project included three key parts: user portal, admin back office, and monitoring tools.
We implementd non-public services to generate wallets, monitor Bitcoin transactions, and securely make buy and sell transactions.
The admin portal was made for Bits of Gold’s operators to monitor and support complex purchase and sell flows.

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